Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoo ink lives underneath the top layer of skin, which makes it difficult to remove, often requiring multiple laser sessions or in some cases, surgical removal. Laser tattoo removal is a noninvasive procedure that uses a Q-switched laser device to break down the pigment colors of an unwanted tattoo, while causing minimal damage to surrounding tissue. Laser tattoo removal has become more and more popular as the prevalence of tattoos has increased over recent decades.

  • If you have an unwanted tattoo that makes you feel embarrassed, self-conscious, or limits your ability to wear certain clothing
  • If you feel your tattoo no longer reflects your lifestyle or personal aesthetic
  • If you are unhappy with changes in your tattoo caused by the natural aging of your skin

Eye shields are used to protect your eyes from the laser light.

The skin’s reaction to the laser is tested to determine the most effective energy level for treatment.

A handpiece is placed against the surface of your skin, and the laser light is activated. The laser technology produces an extremely short laser pulse that is absorbed by the tattoo, causing the ink particles to break down while causing very little damage to the surrounding tissue. The resulting by-products will be removed by the body’s immune system as part of the healing process.

Smaller tattoos require fewer pulses while larger ones require more.

Multiple treatment sessions are often required for optimal results. The number of treatments will vary depending on the particular nature of your tattoo. The tattoo should become progressively lighter with each session.

Immediately following treatment, an ice pack is applied to soothe the treated area. A non-occlusive dressing will be used to protect the site, and sunscreen should be used.

XS - 1" by 1"

Stamp Size

S - 2" by 2"

Business Card

M - 4" by 4"


L - 6" by 6"

Two Hands

XL - 8" by 8"


Clinical results

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Spider Vein Removal with Long-pulsed Nd:YAG

The long-pulsed 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser is able to penetrate deeper into the skin than lasers that use shorter wavelengths of light. This enables treatment of deeper vascular lesions such as reticular veins, deeper spider veins, hemangiomas and leg veins than can be targeted with other lasers.


The long-pulsed Nd:YAG can be used to treat larger spider veins around the nose and other facial areas, as well as blue reticular veins around the eyes.


The long-pulse Nd:YAG can be used to treat some spider veins and reticular veins of the legs.


Port wine stains are usually first treated with short-pulse-width vascular lasers, including the 532 nm KTP and the 585/595 nm pulsed dye lasers. The long-pulsed Nd:YAG can be used to treat areas that are resistant. In addition, areas of the port wine stain can become raised and nodular over time. The LP Nd:YAG can be very useful in treating these lesions.

Skin Resurfacing with Erbium YAG

Laser skin resurfacing is a technique used to rejuvenate the skin and is an alternative to dermabrasion or chemical peel. It is utilized to treat fine lines and wrinkles, as well as pigmentation differences or scars. There are many different types of lasers, but of the lasers considered more aggressive or ablative, the most common are the erbium laser and carbon dioxide. These can also be used in combination or in sequence for amplified results.

About the Procedure

Similar to CO2 laser, the Erbium laser targets water in the skin tissue leading to controlled vaporization of superficial cells and thermal injury in the dermis that results in collagen remodeling and healing. Also known as Er:YAG, or Erbium laser for short, this technique is performed in a similar manner to other laser treatments. The wavelength of the laser is 2,940nm and is absorbed much more efficiently by water in tissues than the CO2 laser. This results in less associated thermal damage to surrounding tissues to achieve tissue ablation, which then results in faster re-epithelialization and faster recovery times. These properties also made the hemostasis achieved with this laser less than with CO2 laser, and newer techniques have modulated the properties of the Erbium laser, or combined its use with CO2 laser, to improved hemostasis while maintaining the benefits associated with the Erbium laser.

Laser skin resurfacing is used to reduce skin imperfections. Sun damage, fine lines or wrinkles, skin laxity, brown spots, blotchiness, scars and certain precancerous growths can be addressed with laser skin resurfacing.


90 min

The ultimate HydraFacial experience! Begin the detoxification process with Lymphatic Drainage. Then, the Signature HydraFacial deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts and hydrates the skin while addressing your specific skin concern with a Booster of your choice. This treatment include DERMAPLANNING and it concludes with LED Light Therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.

Pixel8 RF Microneedling

Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling is a non-surgical procedure with little to no down time and is now considered “the newest essential” for a successful aesthetic practice.

The PiXel8-RF uses bi-polar, RF energy alongside minimally invasive micro-needles to facilitate effective, non-surgical, skin tightening with little to no downtime. During the treatment, heat is driven deep within the skin layers to stimulate and remodel collagen and cause elastin cells to regenerate. This results in a firmer, smoother, and more consistent skin surface.

The PiXel8-RF was developed to combat the signs of aging. The PiXel8-RF is suited for all skin types, and after a single treatment, most clients notice that the area treated is smoother and softer. The amount of energy delivered into the tissue is adjustable and the micro-needles can be adjusted from .5mm up to 3.5mm to address each individual client’s needs. The PiXel8-RF uses a unique design for tissue coagulation and hemostasis that may improve fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and striae.

Full Face

Face and neck

Face, neck and decollete

The PiXel8-RF provides correct and controlled coagulation and hemostasis to help stimulate collagen production and provide skin tightening and rejuvenation. The microneedle depth can be adjusted accordingly for each and every treatment area, especially for delicate areas such as under the eyes, the forehead and cheek bones.

The PiXel8-RF, unlike laser treatments, can definitely be used on all skin types. It only uses radio frequency energy. Thus, there is no risk of thermal damage to the epidermis and it almost eliminates the risk of PIH in darker skin types.

Clients usually experience very minimal to no downtime after the PiXel8-RF procedure. Only a few restrictions are common after an RF microneedling procedure. The treated area may be red for up to a full day. Your downtime may increase if the magnitude of the procedure is deeper. Be sure to ask your specialist for a detailed estimate of downtime.
Most clients will experience some redness and some minor swelling which will typically ease off within 24 hours or less. The client may apply makeup after the 24 hours.

The PiXel8-RF procedure normally lasts about 20 minutes. It will take an additional 30 minutes if the treatment area needs to be prepared. Obvious results are generally seen after just one procedure. A three-treatment series is highly recommended to help you achieve maximum benefits.

Clinical results

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