Skin Resurfacing with Erbium YAG
Laser skin resurfacing is a technique used to rejuvenate the skin and is an alternative to dermabrasion or chemical peel. It is utilized to treat fine lines and wrinkles, as well as pigmentation differences or scars. There are many different types of lasers, but of the lasers considered more aggressive or ablative, the most common are the erbium laser and carbon dioxide. These can also be used in combination or in sequence for amplified results.

About the Procedure
Similar to CO2 laser, the Erbium laser targets water in the skin tissue leading to controlled vaporization of superficial cells and thermal injury in the dermis that results in collagen remodeling and healing. Also known as Er:YAG, or Erbium laser for short, this technique is performed in a similar manner to other laser treatments. The wavelength of the laser is 2,940nm and is absorbed much more efficiently by water in tissues than the CO2 laser. This results in less associated thermal damage to surrounding tissues to achieve tissue ablation, which then results in faster re-epithelialization and faster recovery times. These properties also made the hemostasis achieved with this laser less than with CO2 laser, and newer techniques have modulated the properties of the Erbium laser, or combined its use with CO2 laser, to improved hemostasis while maintaining the benefits associated with the Erbium laser.
Laser skin resurfacing is used to reduce skin imperfections. Sun damage, fine lines or wrinkles, skin laxity, brown spots, blotchiness, scars and certain precancerous growths can be addressed with laser skin resurfacing.
Clinical results