The O-Shot
The O-Shot — revolutionary non-surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate female sex life.
This procedure is quick, painless and non-surgical. There is no recovery time and results are almost immediate. The procedure is done using PRP (platent rich plasma). After the blood draw, the practitioner, using proprietary technique, will inject derived from the blood PRP, into the numbed area near the clitoris and upper vagina.
Who might need the O-Shot?
Women who are suffering from the following:
- Accidents when you jump, laugh and cough
- Leaks in case you wait too long to urinate
- Low sexual desire and difficulty being aroused
- Trouble reaching orgasm and painful sex
- Vaginal dryness
- Lichen Sclerosus
The benefits of the treatment:
- Non-surgical and drug-free
- 95% resolution of urinary incontinence
- Improvement of mesh pain
- Increased sensitivity and sexual desire
- Tighter vaginal skin
- Healthier sex life